Saving and protecting British wildlife for future generations
Pumpkinās Wildlife Hospital
and Rehabilitation Centre
We believe in a Britain where wildlife not only survives but thrives in a natural and protected environment. We are committed and enthusiastic about working together to make our vision a reality.
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Spring is a difficult time for animals in the United Kingdom. Human activities can represent a considerable threat to animal populations as they emerge from hibernation and prepare for breeding season.
Construction, gardening, and outdoor activities can disturb breeding and nesting habits, while pesticides and herbicides can kill insects and other tiny creatures that serve as the food chain’s system.
Climate change is also having an impact on the timing and availability of resources like food and water. As a result, wildlife may have to travel further and take more risks, which increases the likelihood that they will run into obstacles like cars or other dangers. We can support Britain’s wildlife during this important time by minimising human influence on their habitats, providing food, shelter and giving wildlife space to thrive.
Here are a few things you can do to help winter wildlife in your area:
- Cleaning: Clean your bird feeder on a regular basis to prevent mould and bacteria buildup. This is accomplished by thoroughly cleaning the feeder with soap and water and allowing it to dry completely before refilling it with food.
- Location: Pick a spot that is visible from your house but also protected from strong winds and predators. To make it easier for birds to see and approach the feeder, place it at least 10 feet away from trees and bushes
- Food: Select the appropriate food for the birds you want to attract. Black oil sunflower seeds, thistle seeds, and suet cakes are all popular options. Bread and crackers, which can be harmful to birds, should be avoided.
- Feeder type: Select a feeder that is appropriate for the food you intend to offer. Tube feeders, for example, are ideal for seeds, whereas suet feeders are intended for suet cakes.
- Monitoring: Keep an eye on the birds that come to your feeder to learn about their feeding habits and preferences. Keep track of the species you see and change the food and location of the feeder as needed to attract the birds you want to see.
Location: Select a location that is both accessible to wildlife and safe from predators. To provide cover for animals, place the water source near a dense shrub or a cluster of bushes.
Water source: Keep the water in a sturdy container, such as a plastic or metal basin. The container should be shallow enough for small animals to drink from and deep enough for birds to bathe in.
Water quality: Change the water on a regular basis to keep it clean and free of debris. If the water source is near livestock or other animals, a disinfectant may be required to prevent contamination.
Water supply: Refill the water source on a regular basis, especially during hot weather or a drought, to ensure that fresh water is always available for wildlife.
Protection: Place the water source in an area that is protected from strong winds and extreme temperatures to prevent the water from becoming too hot for wildlife to drink.
Respect their space: Keep a safe distance from animals and avoid disturbing their dens or nests.
Avoid making loud noises: Breeding animals are easily disturbed by loud noises, refrain from shouting, playing loud music, or using power tools near their dens.
Keep pets under control: Pets can easily disturb hibernating animals, so keep them under control and avoid letting them roam near dens or nests.
Leave their homes alone: Do not enter breeding animalsā dens or nests. This can cause them to abandon their nesting areas, which is dangerous for their babies.
Avoid flash photography: Since bright flashes from cameras can disturb breeding animals, resist taking photos near their dens or nests. If you must take photos, use a flashlight or another source of low light.
Be aware of your surroundings: While hiking, driving, or simply walking around your neighbourhood, keep an eye out for animals in distress.
Examine animal behaviour: If an animal appears lethargic, disoriented or limps, it could be injured. Maintain a safe distance and observe its behaviour to determine if it requires assistance.
Examine for signs of injury: Examine for signs of injury such as wounds, broken bones or cuts. If an animal appears to be in pain or is bleeding, it may require veterinary care.
Report sightings: If you come across an injured animal, contact a local wildlife rehabilitation centre or a veterinarian who specialises in wildlife treatment.
Maintain a safe distance: Injured animals can be unpredictable and may attack if threatened. To avoid further injuring the animal or putting yourself in danger, keep a safe distance and approach slowly and calmly.
Safety first: Check if the animal is in immediate danger and, if necessary, move it to a safe place before offering any help. Keep a safe distance and approach slowly and calmly.
Contact experts: Contact a local wildlife rehabilitation centre or a veterinarian who specialises in treating wildlife.
Temporary care: Provide temporary care by keeping the injured animal in a warm, dark and quiet place. Avoid giving it food or water.
Handle with care: If necessary, handle the animal gently and securely to minimise further injury. Use gloves, a blanket, or a sturdy box to contain it.
Protect yourself and others: Injured animals can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans, so itās important to take precautions to protect yourself and others. Leave the treatment to a professional wildlife rehabilitator and wash your hands thoroughly after handling the animal or its belongings.
Choose the right plants: Select native flowers that are well-adapted to the local soil, climate and growing conditions. This will ensure that they thrive and help the most local fauna.
Plant in the right place: Plant at the proper location: Consider how much light and water the flowers will require, as well as their mature size and growth patterns. Plant them in a spot that will allow them to blossom to their maximum capacity without crowding out other plants.
Group flowers by bloom time: Plant flowers that bloom at different times throughout the growing season to provide a consistent source of nectar and pollen for pollinators like bees, butterflies and other insects.
Avoid pesticides and herbicides: Native flowers are suited to their surroundings and are often resistant to pests and diseases. You can help to preserve the natural balance of the ecosystem by avoiding the use of pesticides and herbicides.
Maintain the garden: watering, weeding and deadheading the flowers on a regular basis will help to ensure that they continue to thrive and provide habitat and food for local wildlife.
- From a distance, observe: It’s critical to give the baby animal space and keep a safe distance. The mothers of wild animals leave their young alone for extended periods of time to forage for food or avoid attracting predators. Interfering or attempting to assist may cause more harm than good.
- Please do not touch: Refrain from touching or picking up the infant animal. The presence of human scent on the animal can make it difficult for the mother to accept the infant’s return, as well as increasing the odds of predators locating the youngster.
- Make contact with a wildlife rehabilitation centre: Contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in your area if the baby animal appears injured or ill, or if the mother has not returned after many hours. These professionals are equipped with the required expertise and resources to care for and rehabilitate wild animals.
- Keep your pets away: Pets should be kept away from the area where the baby animal is. Even well-mannered dogs and cats can stress and hurt wild animals.
- Raise awareness: Instil in people the value of letting wild creatures alone and respecting their natural environments. Raise awareness about wildlife rehabilitators’ roles in assisting injured and orphaned animals, and encourage others to support local wildlife conservation activities.